16 et 17 mai: 18h - Entrée libre
* Construction de systèmes interactifs permettant de connecter le monde physique et celui des ordinateurs afin d’obtenir un résultat.
“Au cours de ce workshop de deux jours, nous explorerons les différentes façons de travailler avec de grandes quantités de LEDs et la plateforme Arduino.
Arduino est une plateforme prototype électronique open-source basée sur des softwares et hardwares flexibles et faciles à utiliser. Le microcontrolleur de la carte est programmé grâce au langage Arduino (basé sur Wiring) et à l’environnement de développement Arduino (basé sur Processing).
L’Arduino possède un certain nombre de sorties permettant de controller les LEDs, mais il a tout de même des limitations. En utilisant des ICs comme les TLC5940 et les drivers Maxim, on peut facilement en étendre les possibilités et créer des pièces lumineuses interactives.”
Attention, nombre de participants limité ! Inscrivez-vous maintenant en envoyant un mail à brains(at)mappingfestival.com
Scott Fitzgerald is an artist, teacher and researcher who uses digital tools to facilitate conversation between people and the spaces surrounding them. His installations, performances and videos have been shown in Europe and the United States. He gives classes in physical computing and video and interactive sound in New York and France, and develops interactive projects for architecture studios, museums and small companies. He has collaborated with the artists Leo Villareal and Nicole Cohen, he has developed software for projects at MoMA and the Getty Museum. He is currently a researcher at Locus Sonus in France, where he is working on sound design
in space and networks.
“In this workshop, we will explore various means of working with large numbers of LEDs and the Arduino platform.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing).
The Arduino ships with a number of outputs for controlling LEDs, but it can still be limiting. Using ICs like the TLC5940 and Maxim drivers, we can easily extend the functionality, creating interactive light pieces.”
The number of participants is limited ! Please register now by sending a mail to brains(at)mappingfestival.com